asc - Academy for Sustainable Communities
United Kingdom
Organisation: asc Academy for Sustainable Communities
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Organisation Outline:
The Government has established the Academy as a national centre of excellence to improve the skills, knowledge and behaviours needed to deliver and maintain 
sustainable communities across the country. The establishment of a national skills centre was a key recommendation of the Egan Review of Skills for Sustainable
Communities, to drive forward a new, integrated approach to skills development. The ASC has been set up to address the skills shortages and lack of understanding across professions, by helping people to work more effectively and efficiency.
The ASC will challenge the tendency to adopt an isolated approach to working, recognising that greater cross-profession and cross-organisation working
is vital for delivery of sustainable communities. ASC focuses particularly on broader, generic skills such as project management, planning for the future, communication, partnership working and community
engagement. It is not a major training provider, rather looking to influence other providers and to lead the market where gaps exist. Through the establishment of a information and resource hub, it will inform and spread best practice across the range of sustainable communities' issues
and professions. ASC is also working with partners in the EU to identify generic skills gaps across Europe, and share good practice between Member States. It will host an International
Skills Symposium in Leeds in November 2006. Based in Leeds, the Academy has initially been sponsored by Communities and Local Government and is hosted by Yorkshire Forward (Regional Development Agency).